
The product Bundle Home Fitness Pack Includes:

  1. Fit Ball (65cm);
  2. Pair of Dumb Bells;
  3. Box of Theraband (Blue Extra Heavy 5.5mt);
  4. Exercise mat (1800x600x20);
  5. The Original Backnobber®II

Fit Ball (65cm)

Loument Fitness Balls are amongst the strongest, most durable fitness balls on the market today.

  • Posture & Performance: By adding a Fitness Ball to your workout, you vary the exercises you can perform in your total body workout routine.
  • Stretching & Flexibility: Many stretching positions are difficult to maintain, but the curved surface of the Fitness Ball helps support the back during stretching.
  • Strength & Muscle Tone: The Fitness Ball is one of the safest and most effective devices for improving muscle tone and strength in the abdominals and lower back.
  • Pre & Post Natal Care: The Fitness Ball is a great birthing tool and the perfect addition to any expecting or new mother's fitness regime.

It provides comfort for pregnant women when sitting and is beneficial for gentle strengthening and stretching exercises.

Vinyl Dumbbell Pair

Perfect for aerobics or light lifting at home, heavier lifting or bodybuilding and toning, strengthening, relieving stress and reducing common aches and pains.

Box of Resistance Bands - Theraband (Blue Extra Heavy 5.5mt)

Thera-Band® latex Exercise Bands provides both positive and negative force on the muscles, improving strength, range of motion and cooperation of muscles, improving strength, range of motion and cooperation of muscle groups.

Exercise mat (1800x600x20);

Manufactured from a closed-cell material which is resistant to moisture. The exercise mat is a great accessory for any user that gets a sore back when performing floor exercises. Ideal for use in aerobic, yoga and pilates classes.

The Original Backnobber®II

The Original Backnobber ® II tool is used by hooking the device over a shoulder or under an arm and using its leverage to apply deep pressure to trigger points.

The Original Backnobber(r)II is used by hooking one of its curves over a shoulder or under an arm and using its leverage to apply firm, deep pressure to knots in the muscles of the neck, shoulder, upper and lower back and to nearly any other location where muscle soreness may occur.

Every purchase includes a free booklet which outlines all the ways the Backnobber can release all areas of your back, shoulders, and hips.


Colours of the products may vary.

SKU homefitnesspack