
-The Aspire SOCIALITE Folding Wheelchair is a mobility aid designed to provide comfort and convenience for individuals who require assistance with their daily activities. This particular model is attendant propelled, which means it is designed to be pushed by a caregiver or companion.

-The SOCIALITE Folding Wheelchair is constructed with a lightweight and durable aluminum frame, making it easy to transport and store. It can be easily folded into a compact size, allowing for convenient storage and transportation in cars, buses or airplanes.

-The wheelchair features a comfortable, padded seat and backrest, as well as adjustable footrests, providing users with a comfortable seating position. The backrest can be easily reclined, offering a range of seating positions for greater comfort and support.

-The SOCIALITE's attendant-propelled design allows for the caregiver to easily maneuver the wheelchair in tight spaces or over uneven terrain, ensuring the safety and comfort of the user. The large, puncture-proof rear wheels offer a smooth and comfortable ride, while the lightweight front castors provide excellent maneuverability.

-The Aspire SOCIALITE Folding Wheelchair also features flip-up armrests, providing easy access for transfers in and out of the chair. The wheelchair also comes equipped with a seatbelt and attendant brakes, ensuring the safety and security of the user.

In summary, the Aspire SOCIALITE Folding Wheelchair is a lightweight, compact and comfortable mobility aid that is ideal for individuals who require assistance with their daily activities. The attendant-propelled design, adjustable features, and safety mechanisms make it a reliable and convenient choice for both users and caregivers.


Product Code 15-0804 (Silver + Red)
Product Description Aspire SOCIALITE Folding Wheelchair - Attendant Propelled
Colour Red
Safe Working Load 115 kg
Backrest Height 410 mm
Seat Depth 405 mm
Seat To Top Of Armrest 200 mm
Seat Width 450 mm
Overall Width 595 mm
Unit Weight 8.9 kg


SKU 15-0804